Secret Ways To Build an Aesthetic Body (Step By Step)

Are you trying to figure out the best way to build your dream aesthetic physique? There’s no need to waste your time, this guide has no nonsense and will give you all of the secrets you need to get your dream body.

Step One

Figure out what the dream physique you want looks like. Most men want an aesthetic physique that isn’t too bulky or too skinny, but somewhere in the middle. You most likely want strong muscles with broad shoulders and a slim waist with little to no fat. This is the classic physique that often turns heads when you walk into a room.

Step Two

Create a consistent workout plan. A consistent workout routine is extremely crucial for achieving your dream physique. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go to the gym every single day. Instead, it just means that you need to set a schedule and know exactly what body part you’ll be working on those days and stick to the schedule. You can go to the gym three days a week to get your desired results as long as you stay consistent.  A great place to start is to watch Youtube videos or search on Google for the best workout plans. The ideal schedule is to work on two body parts each day you go to the gym. So If you go to the gym three days a week, this means work on chest and arms the first gym day, back and abs the second gym day, and shoulders and legs the third gym day. Focusing on these body parts each week will deliver fantastic results. Stick with the same workout schedule and exercises for at least 8 weeks before making any changes.

Step Three

Plan out specific exercises. It is crucial to go into the gym knowing exactly what you’re going to do. If you are just winging it, you’ll never reach your dream physique. It can be challenging to decide on the right exercises, but don’t worry because I’ve got some favorites that helped me get to my dream physique. For the chest, doing chest bench press is a great workout. For shoulders, work on dumbbell shoulder presses. For arms, do bicep curls with dumbbells and tricep dips for the back of your arms. Pull-ups are great for your back. Any kind of squats are great for legs. Remember the importance of adding additional weight or reps the stronger you get so you can keep challenging yourself and strengthening your muscles. 

Step Four

Follow the right diet. Well what is the right diet? You may have heard of things like keto, paleo, or intermittent fasting, but really all you need to do is have a balanced diet of protein, carbs and fat. No need to make your diet completely flawless or eliminate certain food groups all together. Just make sure you’re eating the right things for each meal. You want to do the math of how many grams of protein, carbs and fats you need for each kilogram you weigh. There are calculators online that can help you determine the right amounts of these. For protein, you want to eat 1-2g per kilogram you weigh, 1-1.5g of fat per kilogram you weigh, and 3-4g of carbs per kilogram you weigh. Some great protein sources to incorporate into your diet are lentils, beans, tofu, and chicken. For carbs, focus on whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. And lastly, for fats, focus on healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, and a variety of nuts. It’s okay to eat some junk food once in a while, but try to limit it to once a week to reach your aesthetic physique goal sooner. 

Step Five

Supplements Can Be Beneficial. Supplements are a great way to give yourself an extra boost and make sure you’re getting all of the nutrients you need. Some that I’ve had great experience with include creatine for an additional muscle boost, as well as multivitamins to make sure you’re getting all of your nutrients. Fish oil or omegas help to ensure our bones stay strong and prevent injuries from working out. You can also drink protein shakes using your favorite protein powder, which can be especially beneficial directly after each workout to help your muscles recover faster.

Step Six

Recovery is important. One thing that many people who workout neglect is just how important rest and recovery is. If you’re constantly straining your muscles and working out daily without letting your body recover, you will never see the results you want. Your body actually builds new muscle fibers and strengthens your muscles when you take rest periods after working out. Make sure you’re stretching daily and sleeping for at least 7 to 9 hours every night. You can also use a foam roller, heating pad or an epsom salt bath to help relax your muscles and let them heal in between workouts.

Building your dream aesthetic physique is a process and doesn’t come easily, but by being consistent and putting in the work, you’ll reach your goal much faster. These secret tips to reaching your dream body will definitely help you get to where you want in no time.